Politics of monkeys!!

Politics of monkeys!! 

Politics of monkeys!! 

We political monkeys are also strange. We don't need any enemy because we are our own enemy. All other animals in the forest rear their herds. Along with this they also provide them complete protection. Especially elephants have this quality that they are ready to fight and kill for their family. 

Today we are united against monkeys while we monkeys of the political class have been fighting each other for 75 years. They participate in conspiracies against each other, when one is killed, the rest of us clap, then when it is the turn of the other, the first claps. 

It is a characteristic of us monkeys that we fight with each other, but when an elephant comes, we give way and retreat. We cannot fight it because we have never been able to agree with each other. It is true that we are silk to the invader and steel to our clan. Now at this time the elephants have become the owners of all the power and authority. 

The interesting thing is that we have given them all the SPACE of the forest. However, the enemies across the border have made the forest completely devoid of monkeys and elephants. Now the condition of monkeys has become that every decision has to be approved by these elephants. There was a time when the monkeys at least had full authority to run the economy of the forest, but the elephants were always complaining about the incompetence of the monkeys. Because monkeys are not capable of taking this responsibility. They were afraid that the economy of the forest would not be destroyed due to the monkey sharing of monkeys. 

Today, the occupying group of elephants and monkeys is constantly at war with a rival group of monkeys. The opposing group of monkeys is politically misguided, confused and very scared. Desperate because it now awaits reinforcements from the world's largest forest. He believes that the monkeys and elephant milkers there will put pressure on the elephants of this forest and the prisoners in the jail will be released. 

 This tactic is not as simple as the external elephants, the porus elephants, do not only fight the opposing elephants, they also target the monkeys. And you and they also destroy the Nile fields. The contrasted forest is quite different from the forests of Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Iran. The weapons and assets of the Contradestani forest are very dense. Out of the two hundred forests in the world, only eight forests are like this. Who have these weapons and assets. 

The contrast forest is economically weak and borrows from other forests. Today is under pressure but the powerful elephants have developed a two-pronged strategy. If pressure comes, first show flexibility and then fly. But at the same time, there are plans to open the way with the new Trumpo Monkey of the Super Jungle. Super Jungle Elephants and Paradox Forest Elephants have been closely related for 75 years. Super jungle elephants sympathize with the elephants of Contradistan. With that, they will also explain to Trump. 

The reprehensible group of paradoxical monkeys is much happier these days. But if the popular monkeys get help from Trumpo and Super Jungle, their fame and popularity will be damaged in the paradox forest. The same super jungle and Trumpo monkeys are doing in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and Iran. 

The public and private individuals are very angry about it. An alliance with Trumpo-Monkey could prove costly for the embattled group. The current situation is that the under-represented group is popular but has lost its grip on sympathizers. 

There are many types of monkey supporters. One is just the voters who are satisfied that they have brought revolution by voting in jungle elections. 

Other types of monkeys continue to speak words of sympathy. They use language in parties, but when the time comes for action, they sit quietly in their homes. 

The third type of monkeys are the most valuable, they sacrifice their lives for their politics, their ideology and their leader. At least the first two types of monkeys are abundant in the Punjabi forest, but they have the third type of monkeys, Ankas. 

Actually, the one who wins the war of the monkeys is the one who has the third type of servants, in such a case, this type of monkeys brings their leader to power by fighting, sacrificing, and giving their lives. 

Suppose that there is a reconciliation between the powerful and eagle monkeys, then the political situation in the forest will change completely. The elephants' teeth will become bitter and they will return to their abodes, but we political monkeys lack intelligence and understanding in our nature. 

All of us monkeys individually recognize that our salvation, our honor and our power can only come to us when we are reconciled, but we monkeys have very big egos. 

I disagree with every other monkey why should I consider this monkey greater than me? Am I big myself? 

My leader is big. 

My leader is honest. 

My party is good while all the other monkey leaders are bad. 

All parties are bad, although in the eyes of both the judge and the elephant, all monkeys are the same. 

All are corrupt.

 All are ineligible. 

All are punishable. 

All the monkeys have been accused of corruption, incompetence, dishonesty and treachery. All have been punished but still we all believe that I am good but other political monkeys are bad. 

This is the success of the elephants that they keep the monkeys fighting, they punish one and then they get the other one with them by rewarding them with power. 

We monkeys around the world are just like that. Just as the workers of the world have never been able to come together, we oppressed and deprived monkeys also cannot come together. If we want to come together then we have to accept that we are all monkeys and none of us are heroes. 

The hero will be the one who reconciles with all the monkeys and takes back a little bit of power and authority from the elephants, but that ability is nowhere to be seen in today's monkeys. We are destined to defeat successive monkeys because our monkey leaders do not learn any lessons from the past! 


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