What should every man understand about women?

What should every man understand about women?

A woman always wants to see true love in action.

Principles of understanding a woman's love

Women live love with depth and sincerity. Their emotions are delicate and subtle. But women believe this love to be true only when it is reflected in actions as well as words. 
Here are the aspects that can help every man to understand a woman's feelings and make their love lasting. 

1. Balance of words and actions

A woman always wants to see true love in action. But it is not enough for them. She wants to see true love in action.
No matter how much you say, "I love you," if your attitudes and actions don't back it up, it's just empty words. Be strong and consistent in your actions to prove love. 

2. The worthlessness of insincere titles

Titles like "dear" or "John" can seem unrealistic and unnecessary when spoken by strangers or insincere individuals. To win a woman's affection, it is essential to communicate with her honestly and respectfully. Don't trivialize the words used in expressing love.

3. Understanding the meaning and responsibility of love

Saying, "I love you" is not just a phrase, but an obligation. Behind it lies a feeling, a commitment, and a promise to fulfill future responsibilities. It is important to understand the meaning and implications of this phrase before uttering it.

4. Understanding and loving gently

Women prefer to understand and feel love slowly and over time. Rushing or trying to force women always want to see true love in action. Adopt honesty Love is based on truth. 

Women do not forgive lies or deception. Although sometimes telling the truth can be difficult. But it will help strengthen your relationship. Honesty builds your confidence and self-esteem. 

6. Importance of attention

A woman should feel that she wants to have a lot of importance in your life. If you deprive her of your attention, she will begin to understand that the relationship is failing. Always listen to him. Value her feelings and spend time with her. 

7. The gift of time

For a woman, expensive gifts or big announcements are not the only way to show love. 

The most valuable gift to a woman is your time and presence. Taking time out of your busy life to be with her is the biggest proof of your love for her. 

8. Feeling of love Adopt good and respectful behavior towards women.

 She judges your love by how you make her feel. Respect her feelings. At the same time, give him the peace he deserves. 

9. To love sincerely

When a woman loves, she loves with her whole self. His love is pure, deep, and sincere. It is your responsibility not to let this love go to waste. Adorn him with your loyalty and respect. 

A woman's love is a priceless treasure. It takes patience, loyalty, and sincerity to understand and cultivate. If you follow these rules, not only will your relationship be strong, but you will also truly enjoy his love. Show love in both words and actions. Because it is the foundation that always stands.

The importance of respect and equality
It was said in the Holy Quran

Importance of emotions

The Prophet ﷺ said

Involvement in Decisions
Right to education and development
The Prophet said

Sharing the burden of responsibilities
Encourage rather than criticize
Condemnation of violence
Personal freedom

Women are half of society, and their role is indispensable in building a balanced and strong society. Understanding women, respecting them, and valuing their feelings is not only a human duty, it also a religious, moral, and social responsibility. Every man needs to understand and practice some basic facts about women to create a better and harmonious society. 

Islam has given women the right to respect and equality. 

"AND, we have created you in pairs" (Surat al-Naba: 8).  

The argument is that men and women are equal and both should take care of each other's rights. Men should recognize that women are not simply the "weaker sex" rather, they can excel in every field of life through their skills.

Women are generally more sensitive to the emotional side. Men should try to understand their feelings and value their feelings. 

"The best of you is the one who treats his family well." (Tirmidhi)

This hadith is a reminder that it is important to treat women with gentleness and love. 

Women also have the right to participate in the decisions of their home and society. Listening and giving importance to their opinion is a sign of maturity of a man. The advice of Khadijah and other holy women were always important in the life of the Prophet ﷺ. 

Education and development of women is the development of society. Men should not hinder the education of women but provide them with all possible support. 

"Acquiring knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman" (Ibn Majah). 

This shows that women have the same rights as men in the field of education. 

Women are often burdened with household responsibilities, which can have a negative impact on their physical and mental health. Men should lend a hand in housework and help women. 

The Prophet himself used to participate in his household chores, and this is an exemplary role. 

Women are often criticized, which undermines their confidence. Men should appreciate and encourage their virtues instead of pointing out their flaws. 

Cruelty and violence against women are strictly prohibited in Islam. 

The Holy Quran

"And live with them in a good way" (Surah Al-Nisa: 19)

A man should never resort to physical, verbal, or emotional violence, but always adopt an attitude of kindness and gentleness.

Every woman should be fully given the right to make important decisions in her life, such as getting an education, the right to marry one's choice, etc.

Men should also respect women's freedom and let them make their own decisions. 

The perfect man is always the one who treats women with gentleness. This behavior of a man reflects his own personality. Rather, it also reflects the moral standards of the entire society

Understanding and respecting women is the foundation of a strong and peaceful society. If men understand this, this practice will not only improve their own lives but will promote harmony and love in the entire society. 


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