Why are colds common in winter? Know the opinion of science

 Health and Science

Why are colds common in winter? Know the opinion of science.

Why does a cold or flu start suddenly when the temperature drops in the winter season? 

When the weather turns cold in winter, people are more susceptible to flu and seasonal colds. 

In fact, everyone knows that when the cold winds start blowing, the chances of getting a cold or flu increase. 

Although the germs that cause colds or flu are present in all seasons, people are more affected by these diseases in winter than in summer. 

Why does cold or flu season start suddenly as soon as the temperature drops in winter? 

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By the way, know well that the cold is not the reason for making you a victim of cold. But it is also a fact that the chances of getting affected by respiratory system diseases like cold and flu increase in the winter season. 

Type C viruses that commonly cause colds, flu, and covid-19. They remain contagious for a long time. They replicate more rapidly in cold temperatures and low humidity

In the winter season the mostly people spend more time in close quarters with other people. These days are factors that cause the spread of germs. 

Viruses spread easily in cold weather

Cold weather changes the upper membrane of the flu virus and it becomes more solid and rubbery. 

Such foods that should not be washed before cooking.  

Scientists believe that these surface changes make it easier for the virus to spread from person to person. 

Not only does cold air cause problems, dry air also helps cold or flu viruses stay contagious longer. 

Dry air is common in winter and particles released by breathing, sneezing or coughing evaporate more quickly, resulting in smaller particles that survive longer and travel farther. 

The response of our immune system during cold weather also plays an important role in this regard. 

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Inhaling cold air increases the likelihood of adverse effects on the immune response in the respiratory tract and makes it easier for viruses to lodge there. 

In December 2022, a study from Harvard University in the US reported that cold air weakens the immune response that works against germs in the human nose. 

He said that our immune response is limited in cold temperatures. 

Research has found that even a mere 5 degrees Celsius drop in temperature kills about 50 percent of the immune cells inside our noses that fight viruses and bacteria. 

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The researchers said that there is a link between cold air and viral infections because even a slight drop in temperature can reduce our immune system by 50%. 

Similarly, in cold weather, most people spend less time in sunlight and this light is an important source of vitamin D for the body. 

Vitamin D is very important for immunity. 

Physical activity also decreases in winter and people spend more time sitting, which also affects the immune system, while people are more close to others within four walls, which also allows viruses to spread faster. Spread. 

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So what can you do to protect yourself? 

Eating certain fruits is very beneficial to prevent colds and flu in winter as they provide the body with vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help strengthen the immune system.

 Here is a list of some useful fruits

1. Orange:

Orange is an excellent source of vitamin C which boosts the immune system and helps prevent colds. 

2. Banana:

Banana is good for digestive health and contains vitamin B6 and magnesium which provide energy to the body. 

3. Apple:

Apple contains fiber and vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and helps prevent colds. 

4. Pomegranate:

Pomegranate contains powerful antioxidants that protect the body from various diseases and help purify the blood. 

5. Guava:

Guava is a great source of vitamin C and is the best fruit to prevent colds in winter. 

6. Cano (Mandarin):

Like oranges, cano is rich in vitamin C and improves the body's immunity in winter. 

7. Strawberries:

Strawberries contain vitamin C and other antioxidants that help prevent cold weather diseases. 

By consuming these fruits, you can improve your health and help prevent colds. 

A Harvard University study reported that face masks can help in this regard as they not only prevent airborne germs but also keep the nose warm. 

It is very important for many women to use proper and strong food to fight cold during winter season. The following types of foods may be helpful:

1. Foods with Vitamin C

Orange, kino, lemon, grape, and guava etc. are included. 

These foods strengthen immunity. Also prevent colds. 

2. Ginger and garlic

Eating or eating ginger helps to keep the body warm and reduce weight. 

Ingredients in garlic are effective against germs

3. Honey

Drinking honey mixed with lukewarm water relieves sore throat. It also protects against colds. 

4. Hot drinks

The health benefits of cool, green, and ginger keep the body warm and help me fight off colds. 

5. Dry fruits

Almonds, walnuts, cashews and raisins boost immunity system and provide energy to the body. 

6. Pulses and soups

Consuming its soups and vegetables provides essential nutrients to the body and provides warmth in winters. 

7. Friends and turmeric

Drinking turmeric mixed with lukewarm milk strengthens the body. It reduces the effects of colds. 

8. Water and hydration

Drink plenty of fluids to keep the body hydrated and prevent dryness of the nose and throat. 


Avoid cold and fried foods as they promote colds. 

By using these foods you can not only avoid colds but also improve your health.

Researchers say that the warmer you keep your nose, the better the immune system will work. 

Likewise, hands should be washed frequently. 

Make sure to consume adequate amounts of water. 

Eat a balanced diet, especially foods rich in vitamin D such as eggs and fish. 

Be physically active. 

Make sure to clean the floors and other places in the house. 


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